Lookup on multiple rows - Single Formula (2 Alternatives)

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Here I will demonstrate how to get lookup result on multiple rows by entering formula in just a single cell

1st Alternative:
Ctrl + Enter Method:

This is a very simple method. There are 3 Steps involved in it.

Step 1: Highlight all cells starting from G3 till G9, where we need the formula.

Step 2: Keeping the cells selected, Enter formula: =VLOOKUP(F3,$A$1:$C$9,2,0)

Step 3:
Press "Control"  + "Enter" after entering the formula

The formula will be copied to all selected cells.

1st Alternative method👇

2nd Alternative:

VLOOKUP - Dynamic Array

For Office 365 Only

This method is a feature of Excel Dynamic Array formulas.

The only part which is different from traditional VLOOKUP approach is that , here when we are going to input the lookup value, we will take the whole range, rather then just a single cell.

See in above figure Cell G16 formula is =VLOOKUP(F13:F18,A1:C9,2,0)

Which means we have taken the range of Lookup value instead of just the cell.

So, once this formula is entered, Just press Enter

The formula will spill to the below cells.

2nd Alternative method👇

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