Matching similar Positive and Negative numbers in a list

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Here I am going to show you how we can match positive and negative values in a list.

For example in the figure below, we can see that there are some positive and negative numbers mentioned in the list. Now, some of these numbers are adding up to "0". So, how will we identify those numbers.

So, to identify this, we will use a formula.

In Cell "B2" - we will use the below formula


Once we enter the formula, the next step is to drag the formula till last active row.

Now, we can see that we get the output as either "TRUE" or "FALSE" in column "B"

However, when we filter column "B" with text "FALSE", we will see that every number in Column "A" is adding up to "0"

So, by this way we can match positive and negative numbers in a list.

We can also use this formula in conditional formatting as shown below:

Click on Ok:

So, all numbers which are totaling to "0" will be highlighted.
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